Vihren Mitev

Dr. Vihren Mitev begins his professional career in early 2015 while starting his Ph. D. in Philosophical Anthropology at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. First, he is intern and assistant at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (responsible for the position of public relations and communications). Secondly, he works for the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria as project manager and personal assistant to Dr. Solomon Passy (Minister of Foreign Affairs2001–2005, and president of the Club).

In the period 2015–2018 Dr. Mitevis selected for two Erasmus+ exchange programs for Ph. D. Candidates and spends one year at the university “Jules Verne” (Amiens, France) and three months at the University of Huế, College of Economics (Huế, Vietnam).

In April 2018 with clear vision and understanding of the problems regarding world’s population growth, global warming, resource management and pollution, Dr. Mitev becomes founder and director of “Ecological Manifesto–ManEco” Foundation and dedicates his time and work to projects trying to find solutions to those problems.

Since 2012 Dr. Mitev is involved in several international exchange projects and trainings. Currently he is Earth Charter’s Young Leader and mentee to the Global Thinkers Forum. Combining his theoretical experience with his ecological concerns Dr. Mitev writes the Ecological Manifesto, Ecological Diplomacy and Threads Posed by the Effects of Climate Change articles where he points out the need for beforehand disaster prevention and management, conflict mitigation, peace building, and work with displaced people. In 2019 he publishes the monograph Ecological Manifesto: The Next Ten Years.

In the the end of 2019 he participates at the U.S. Department of State Professional Fellows Program and experiences the U.S. culture and how local communities self organize in terms of awareness on important environmental and ecological issues, political structure and leadership. Main accents o the fellowship are participatory democracy and community organizing. His dedication to the work on environmental issues brings him also to UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 where he participates as speaker at two main high level dialogues.

Dr. Mitev speaks Bulgarian and English language fluently and has basic knowledge in French language. He has deep understanding about life but he is also easy going and friendly at the same time. This is why he can be well described through the Latin sentence “Mens sana in corpore sano”(healthy mind in a healthy body).

Vihren Mitev’s mentor is Nada Majdalani.

Note: Vihren graduated from the mentoring programme in 2019 and he was 32 at the time.